Multi-ToM: Evaluating Multilingual Theory of Mind Capabilities in Large Language Models
Multi-ToM: Evaluating Multilingual Theory of Mind Capabilities in Large Language Models

Jayanta Sadhu, Ayan Antik Khan (BUET), Noshin Nawal, Sanju Basak, Abhik Bhattacharya (BUET)

Currently Under Review for COLING 25
August 2024 - Ongoing

Details: This research project is to examine the cognitive capabilities of Large Language Models(LLM) in the domain Theory of Mind(ToM) test across languages. The objective of this project is to ascertain the capabilities of LLMs in the setup of multilingual ToM questionnaire. We also want to study if the inclusion of cultural elements specific to languages changes the performance of the LLMs in terms of cognitive abilities. Had the opportunity to supervise two junior students in this project.

tag LLM Theory of Mind Cognition Multilingual OpenAI Data Analysis
An Empirical Study of Gendered Stereotypes in Emotional Attributes for Bangla in Multilingual Large Language Models
An Empirical Study of Gendered Stereotypes in Emotional Attributes for Bangla in Multilingual Large Language Models

Jayanta Sadhu, Maneesha Rani Saha (BUET), Dr. Rifat Shahriyar (Professor, BUET)

Accepted in 5th Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing at ACL 2024
April 2024 - July 2024

Details: In this study, we conducted a research that investigated gendered stereotypes in emotional attributes within multilingual large language models (LLMs) for Bangla. The study analyzed historical patterns, revealing how women were often associated with emotions like empathy and guilt, while men were linked to emotions such as anger and authority in Bangla-speaking regions. We evaluated both closed and open-source LLMs to identify gender biases in emotion attribution. The project included qualitative and quantitative analysis of LLM responses to Bangla gender attribution tasks and highlighted the influence of gendered role selection on these outcomes. We also developed and publicly shared datasets and code to support further research in Bangla NLP. Please refer to the paper link for more details.

tag LLM Emotion Attributes Bangla Gender Bias Inference
Social Bias in Large Language Models For Bangla: An Empirical Study on Gender and Religious Bias
Social Bias in Large Language Models For Bangla: An Empirical Study on Gender and Religious Bias

Jayanta Sadhu, Maneesha Rani Saha (BUET), Dr. Rifat Shahriyar (Professor, BUET)

May 2024 - July 2024

Details: This research project, supervised by Dr. Rifat Shahriyar, focused on examining social biases in large language models (LLMs) for the Bangla language. The study involved investigating two distinct types of social biases in Bangla LLMs. We developed a curated dataset to benchmark bias measurement and implemented two probing techniques for bias detection. This work represents the first comprehensive bias assessment study for Bangla LLMs, with all code and resources made publicly available to support further research in bias detection for Bangla NLP. Please refer to the paper link for more details.

tag LLM Bangla Gender Bias Bangla Religious Bias Fairness OpenAI Data Analysis
An Empirical Study on the Characteristics of Bias upon Context Length Variation for Bangla
An Empirical Study on the Characteristics of Bias upon Context Length Variation for Bangla

Jayanta Sadhu*, Ayan Antik Khan (BUET)*, Abhik Bhattacharya (BUET), Dr. Rifat Shahriyar (Professor, BUET) (* equal contribution)

Accepted at ACL 2024 findings section
June 2023 - April 2024

Details: This research project, which formed the basis of my undergraduate thesis under the supervision of Dr. Rifat Shahriar, explored the nuances of gender bias detection in Bangla language models. We constructed a curated dataset for detecting gender bias in both static and contextual setups and compared different bias detection methods specifically tailored to Bangla. The study established benchmark statistics using baseline methods and analyzed bias in various language models supporting Bangla, including BanglaBERT, MuRIL, and XML-RoBERTa. A key focus was understanding how the context length of templates and sentences affects bias detection outcomes. This work serves as a foundational study for bias detection in Bangla language models. Please refer to the paper link for more details.

tag Bias and Fairness Bangla Random Effect Models Contextual Embeddings Bias Benchmarking Statistical Analysis Data Distribution
Code Review Generation Automation using LLM and Preference Optimization
Code Review Generation Automation using LLM and Preference Optimization

Jayanta Sadhu, Sadat Shahriyar, Dr. Anindya Iqbal (Professor, BUET)

March 2024 - Current

Details: This is an ongoing project of mine under the supervision of Dr. Anindya Iqbal. Our aim here is to produce more human like reviews and automating review generation procedure through large language models. We are working on the latest RL based preference optimization to finetune SOTA open source LLMs and figure out more suitable evaluation metric to find out human likeliness of code review. The knowledge domains we need in this study are: Code review, LLM inference, LLM finetuning and Objective evaluation.

tag LLM Code Review Preference Optimization Automation


Reinforcement Learning based Fine-tuning for Protein Folding Prediction Models
Reinforcement Learning based Fine-tuning for Protein Folding Prediction Models

Jayanta Sadhu

Research Project (No good result)
November 2023 - January 2024

Abstract: This research project, conducted between November 2023 and January 2024, focused on improving inference time for protein folding predictions using advanced protein folding models. We utilized reinforcement learning-based fine-tuning of large language models to achieve both low-resource training and targeted performance improvements. The project required expertise in protein sequencing and folding models such as AlphaFold and ESM, as well as skills in designing loss functions. The technical stack included PyTorch, biotite-python, omegaconf, hydra-core, and transformers.

tag ESM Alphafold Preference Optimization Protein Folding LLM
Abstractive Summarization of Bangla Using Language Generative Model with Constrastive Learning
Abstractive Summarization of Bangla Using Language Generative Model with Constrastive Learning

Jayanta Sadhu, Tanjim Ahmed Khan (BUET), Dr. Saifur Rahman (Professor, BUET)

Coursework: Machine Learning Project
January 2023 - March 2023

Details: This is a research project that I did as a part of my coursework in Machine Learning Sessional course, supervised by Dr. Saifur Rahman. The project's goal was to generate abstractive summaries of Bangla text using a Bangla language generative model. To improve the model's performance and surpass the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) models in Bangla, we implemented contrastive learning techniques. Our work was guided by concepts from the BRIO paper, which served as a key reference throughout the project.

tag Bangla Abstractive Summarization Contrastive Learning Bangla T5